Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frustration, in the Form of Internet.

I just wrote an awesome post about babysitting. And its gone. I hate the internet, lets all just go amish? Kay? Good.

And now, because I don't want to have to try and remember everything I just wrote I am going to leave you with a mediocre blog post.

I just wanna let you know I've watched "You've Got Mail" twice in the past 24 hours. And I'm about to watch it again. No. Shame.

I want spring to come RIGHT now, so in my desperation I will leave you with this lovely photo from one of the greatest moments in all of cinematic history, and a couple of other pictures from my day :)

Hope your day is lovely!
xoxo, Amb.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day!!!!!

So, I LOVE love. Like seriously, I am one of those mushy people who get overly excited when anyone starts dating, or gets engaged, or even has a milestone in their relationship. I love hearing about people's relationships. I love talking about them, and giving advice (because I have so much romantic experience, you know, from all the movies I've seen) So OBVIOUSLY Valentines day means a lot to me! I think it is such a beautiful thing that there is a whole day dedicated to celebrating love, and making sure that those around you know that you love them! So even though I do not have a boyfriend, I think Valentines day is like the fourth most special day of the year (its behind Christmas, my spiritual birthday, and my actual birthday of course) In my eyes, Valentines day deserves a BIG celebration! This year, I made Valentines for all the people in my bible talk! I also made them cake pops! I spent some extra special time with God this morning, because after all, he is the BEST Valentine a girl could ask for! And I chased a crazy (and partially naked, its a long story, but all you need to know is that he takes off ALL of his clothes and dances around the house screaming and singing. It is hilarious, but mostly just uncomfortable.) six year old around for a few hours! Here's some pics of this super special day!

I hope your Valentines day was as fun as mine! And I also hope that you're not one of those horribly cranky people who don't like Valentines day, and tries to ruin it for everyone else! That is just not cool!
xoxo, Amb

Ps. A very good friend of mine got ENGAGED today!!! I am so happy!!! I cant wait for this wedding to happen! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Corner :)

I'm writing from my corner. "Whats that?" you ask. "Well," I reply, "its my beat!" You look at me with a puzzled expression. *sigh* "Its a journalism thing, you wouldn't understand" I say impatiently. What in the world will we do with the uneducated masses, who don't know what a beat is?

Any ways, my corner is an assignment for my journalism class! Its the place I report from (aka: my BEAT ;)) How professional does that sound? I'll answer that question! SO PROFESSIONAL! I might as well make business cards! (not kidding, we talked about business cards in class yesterday) The location of my corner is from 20th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway to 21st and Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

Its the new location of the new home of the Barnes Foundation. Its literally awesome. Rich people and poor people alike walk by. The Library is right across the street, along with Whole Foods and the coolest (and cheapest) used book store EVARRRR. I'm currently sitting in my favorite Starbucks in the city with a giant window and a view of all of it! I think I have the best corner out of everyone in my class!

The thing is, its about to get real controversial up in herrrr. I recently saw a documentary called The Art of the Steal about the Barnes Foundation and its move to Philadelphia. I'm not going to explain it all, but its some crazy stuff yo. If you can see the documentary, its super enlightening (also, its on Netflix) But the pretty much the moving of the Barnes Foundation is an abomination! And its opening in May, so that means I have lots to write about for my class!!!

I, personally am against the moving of the Barnes to Philly, but that CERTAINLY will not stop me from visiting it when it opens! I'm so pumped. The art in this place is INCREDIBLE. So. Ex. Cited.

I cant wait to share more about my corner in the future! For now, I just wanted to let you know it exists!

Here's some pics I took from my special place :)

Have a splendid evening! I'm off to the photo lab to print some junk!
xoxo, Amb

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's Been On My Mind...

I've been sick all this week. So pretty much my time has been filled with lots of coughing, sneezing, sleeping, and blowing my nose. You know, the glamourous stuff. So here I am, at eleven o clock on a Wednesday night and I am completely awake, with a head full of stuff I just want to share with you, typing quietly away at my keyboard so I don't wake my sleeping roommate on the other side of the mega-bed. I don't even know where I want to go with this blog post, so I guess I'll just say it as it comes! First of all, let me tell you what the "mega-bed" is. It is three twin beds pushed together by a few college girls desperately seeking walking room in the tiny little city apartment they live in. It is simultaneously the most annoying and awesomest thing I have ever encountered. We all hate it, but we cant think of any other way to move our beds in our awkwardly shaped bedroom. But thats not even one of the things I wanted to share in this post!
I guess one thing I wanted to share was what I learned from tonight's program on Rock Center with Brian Williams (this is quite possibly my favorite show, and I want to intern with them in NYC next summer) about JFK. I've always thought JFK was an incredible president and an upstanding man, but apparently NOT. What they don't teach you in the Massachusetts public school system is that homeboy was a straight up WOMANIZER. He had multiple affairs with plenty of different women! Poor Jackie! She was so stylish and amazing, but she definitely picked the wrong man! I mean, he did practically save the world from nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but that should not overshadow the fact that he was a horrible husband! 
The funny thing is that I've always had a thing for politicians. I just love them! And almost all of them turn out to be shady! I totally loved John Edwards for a while because I thought he looked like that guy on the HGTV show "flipped that house" or something. And it turns out the man had been fooling around on his DYING WIFE! Blegh, the thought of the man makes me sick! 
All I'm saying is when is everyone going to stop glorifying JFK and start paying homage to Jackie Kennedy, who stuck by her man even though he was a flaming idiot in his personal life! Poor Jackie. She will forever be the most stylish woman ever to live. This one's for you girlfriend!

Have a great night! 
xoxo, Amb

PS. thats really not where I envisioned this blog post going. Whateves!

Friday, February 3, 2012

That One Thing.

I fell in love. My bff Cassie messaged me to listen to this song like two weeks ago and yesterday I FINALLY did it! (I know, I know) and I AM IN LOVE. One Direction is WHERE IT IS AT. They are cute, talented, and british. Thats about all you need to know. Have a great weekend! And I hope you fall in love with them too!

xoxo, Amb