Monday, November 21, 2011

Five Things Friday!

One of my favorite bloggers has a weekly tradition of blogging about five random things she's encountered that she'd like to share. Sometimes there is a theme, other times it's just random stuff! Well, guess what I'm doing? Yep, the SAME EXACT THING! I'll do it for a couple weeks and see how I like it. Also she always has pictures with her "things" but I'm not sure I could swing that. Especially with number one on this week's fave five! For now, ENJOY!

1) I wish I could post a picture, but it'd be EXTREMELY awkward. Anyway... number 1 today is the guy who works at Starbucks on campus. He is literally my favorite person. So loud. So flamboyant. So funny. He knows me too. Everyday he tells me to order something new. Yesterday, in honor of "thirsty thursday" he told everyone that instead of drinking alcohol, they should all get venti sized drinks! He's my fav. I think if he didn't make my coffee we'd be best friends. (Not that we're not best friends BECAUSE he makes my coffee, but if we had met any other way, we would be best friends. Does that make sense?)

2) Speaking of Starbucks, number two today is the drink that I got. Recently I've been caught up in the craze of all these new fancy (and delicious) holiday drinks, but today I decided to take it back to the basics and get a plain old vanilla latte. Let me just say, the classics are classics for a reason.

{Look at that foamy goodness!}

3) My dog Scout is probably the greatest living being on the face of this planet. Today I'm missing her a lot! I get to see her in five days. I cannot wait!

{She loves me too!}

{Look at that cutie!}

4) This blogger is one of my new favorites! She loves all the things that I love! And her thrifting posts are so inspirational! I just wanna thrift all the time! Oh, and she has some really great book suggestions! Love her!

5) This week I've fallen in love with J.CREW. Its beautiful, and classy, and fun! My goal is to recreate the J.CREW look spending the least amount of money I possibly can! Wish me luck!

Ps. Can we just pretend that I posted this on Friday instead of Monday? kthanksbye :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I must say, this past weekend was GLORIOUS. Like, not kidding. It was superb. My sister came to Philly to visit! We went shopping, and ate out, and spent time together, and it was just a fabulous time! The day after Molls made her journey down here a few people from Boston came on down to celebrate my roommate's 21st birthday! We had a Roarin' 20's themed party and danced the night away! Unfortunately we roared a bit too loud, and I received a visit from the police yesterday afternoon to give us advice on how to more respectful of our neighbors! Woops! I guess we'll know better for next time!
For now, here's some pics of the weekend!

-Amb :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Don't Know What I Want.

I'm in college. I'm supposedly working toward a degree. This degree should be helping me toward getting a job. This job should be helping me pay off college. Which I am only attending so I can get a job. Its a vicious circle. The only problem now is that I don't know what I want to do! I don't know what to major in. I don't know what I will do with a degree. I don't know what sort of job I want! Why am I even in college if I don't even know these things! Thats the question that has been plaguing me for the past few months. I feel like I am wasting my time at school, when all I want to do with my life is be a disciple, read books and blogs, and shop! It doesn't make any sense. As cliche as it may sound, I feel like my life anthem should be "A Place in This World" by the one and only Taylor Swift. She speaks to my heart <3 But for reals, if you have any suggestions on what I should do could you help a sister out? Cause I'm kind of freaking out.

ps. I found this pic on pinterest. Dont hate!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things I Cannot Live Without:

You know we all have them. Those certain things that we just feel lost without. Its kind of sad really that there are so many people out in this world that live everyday without the things we claim we NEED, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to blog about it! This is a list of some of my "necessities" that I feel are essential to life as I know it:
1) Bath and Bodyworks lotion- I really HATE when my hands are dry. Fresh market apple is my favorite scent!
2) Headphones- I love being able to control the sounds I hear. Sometimes I'll even put the headphones in with no music on to muffle the noise from the world around me.
3) My bible- gotta have the word with me :)
4) Blow dryer- Now that I have bangs, a day without this baby does not look pretty :/
5) Starbucks- The place, not necessarily the drinks... I mean, the drinks are great too, but its my workin' spot!
6) Day planner- Since I've been in college my planner has practically been attached to me. I would LITERALLY be lost without it!
5) Lipstick- I don't really have much of an upper lip, but this usually makes me look semi-normal :)
6) Online shopping- Its like my favorite thing. I don't usually buy things, but its good to know whats out there!
7) My kindle- I get SO bored without a good book to read!

Oh, and I know what you're thinking, "Woah, posting two days in a row?" And I know, its very uncharacteristic of me, but this week has been a wee bit stressful and I needed a creative outlet! My sissy is coming into town tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have many fun things to write about next week! 
For now, here's an unflattering pic of me with some of my favorite things (so Julie Andrews of me) in my favorite place!
Much love, Amb :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lessons I've Learned

So, I've been in college about two and a half months but I seriously feel like its been forever. The past two months have been jam packed full of school work, babysitting, ministry and so so so much fun. I have learned so many things since moving here I feel like I could make a jillion page long blog post, but I thought I'd condense it to ten important life lessons I have learned in the past couple months, here they are:

1) When shampoo and conditioner cost 77 cents each, that probably means its no good. 
2) Never buy perishable food in bulk, you will NOT eat it in time.
3) Facebook is great, pinterest is better.
4) Milk is not still good a week after being expired (see #2) 
5) Starbucks is expensive, don't buy it every day. 
6) Just because you have a job doesn't mean you can buy everything you want.
7) Going to school every single day of the week sucks. (only monday, wednesday, friday classes next semester! woo!)
8) No matter how early you go to bed, you will wake up later than planned.
9) You cannot always rely on public transportation to get you there on time.
10) Your family is great, you really will miss them.

So thats just a few of the more comical lessons I have learned the past couple months, and I'm sure I'm bound to learn many, many more things in the future! Cant wait to see whats coming next!
(ps. "I GOT BANGS, my hair is so now." If someone can tell me what movie thats from, I'll love you forever.)