Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lessons I've Learned

So, I've been in college about two and a half months but I seriously feel like its been forever. The past two months have been jam packed full of school work, babysitting, ministry and so so so much fun. I have learned so many things since moving here I feel like I could make a jillion page long blog post, but I thought I'd condense it to ten important life lessons I have learned in the past couple months, here they are:

1) When shampoo and conditioner cost 77 cents each, that probably means its no good. 
2) Never buy perishable food in bulk, you will NOT eat it in time.
3) Facebook is great, pinterest is better.
4) Milk is not still good a week after being expired (see #2) 
5) Starbucks is expensive, don't buy it every day. 
6) Just because you have a job doesn't mean you can buy everything you want.
7) Going to school every single day of the week sucks. (only monday, wednesday, friday classes next semester! woo!)
8) No matter how early you go to bed, you will wake up later than planned.
9) You cannot always rely on public transportation to get you there on time.
10) Your family is great, you really will miss them.

So thats just a few of the more comical lessons I have learned the past couple months, and I'm sure I'm bound to learn many, many more things in the future! Cant wait to see whats coming next!
(ps. "I GOT BANGS, my hair is so now." If someone can tell me what movie thats from, I'll love you forever.)


  1. Legally Blonde!!! Of course. But you were going to love me forever anyway, right?!

  2. legally blonde. that was too easy, Amber :) let's get some time together soon, k?

  3. Hahah I know, I've gotta be more creative! Yes def! I'll text you!
