Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day!!!!!

So, I LOVE love. Like seriously, I am one of those mushy people who get overly excited when anyone starts dating, or gets engaged, or even has a milestone in their relationship. I love hearing about people's relationships. I love talking about them, and giving advice (because I have so much romantic experience, you know, from all the movies I've seen) So OBVIOUSLY Valentines day means a lot to me! I think it is such a beautiful thing that there is a whole day dedicated to celebrating love, and making sure that those around you know that you love them! So even though I do not have a boyfriend, I think Valentines day is like the fourth most special day of the year (its behind Christmas, my spiritual birthday, and my actual birthday of course) In my eyes, Valentines day deserves a BIG celebration! This year, I made Valentines for all the people in my bible talk! I also made them cake pops! I spent some extra special time with God this morning, because after all, he is the BEST Valentine a girl could ask for! And I chased a crazy (and partially naked, its a long story, but all you need to know is that he takes off ALL of his clothes and dances around the house screaming and singing. It is hilarious, but mostly just uncomfortable.) six year old around for a few hours! Here's some pics of this super special day!

I hope your Valentines day was as fun as mine! And I also hope that you're not one of those horribly cranky people who don't like Valentines day, and tries to ruin it for everyone else! That is just not cool!
xoxo, Amb

Ps. A very good friend of mine got ENGAGED today!!! I am so happy!!! I cant wait for this wedding to happen! 

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