Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's Been On My Mind...

I've been sick all this week. So pretty much my time has been filled with lots of coughing, sneezing, sleeping, and blowing my nose. You know, the glamourous stuff. So here I am, at eleven o clock on a Wednesday night and I am completely awake, with a head full of stuff I just want to share with you, typing quietly away at my keyboard so I don't wake my sleeping roommate on the other side of the mega-bed. I don't even know where I want to go with this blog post, so I guess I'll just say it as it comes! First of all, let me tell you what the "mega-bed" is. It is three twin beds pushed together by a few college girls desperately seeking walking room in the tiny little city apartment they live in. It is simultaneously the most annoying and awesomest thing I have ever encountered. We all hate it, but we cant think of any other way to move our beds in our awkwardly shaped bedroom. But thats not even one of the things I wanted to share in this post!
I guess one thing I wanted to share was what I learned from tonight's program on Rock Center with Brian Williams (this is quite possibly my favorite show, and I want to intern with them in NYC next summer) about JFK. I've always thought JFK was an incredible president and an upstanding man, but apparently NOT. What they don't teach you in the Massachusetts public school system is that homeboy was a straight up WOMANIZER. He had multiple affairs with plenty of different women! Poor Jackie! She was so stylish and amazing, but she definitely picked the wrong man! I mean, he did practically save the world from nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but that should not overshadow the fact that he was a horrible husband! 
The funny thing is that I've always had a thing for politicians. I just love them! And almost all of them turn out to be shady! I totally loved John Edwards for a while because I thought he looked like that guy on the HGTV show "flipped that house" or something. And it turns out the man had been fooling around on his DYING WIFE! Blegh, the thought of the man makes me sick! 
All I'm saying is when is everyone going to stop glorifying JFK and start paying homage to Jackie Kennedy, who stuck by her man even though he was a flaming idiot in his personal life! Poor Jackie. She will forever be the most stylish woman ever to live. This one's for you girlfriend!

Have a great night! 
xoxo, Amb

PS. thats really not where I envisioned this blog post going. Whateves!

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