Saturday, January 28, 2012

Here's to Happiness: Wisdom from an Eighteen-Year-Old

Today, I figured it out. The big secret that everyone wants to know. As I got off the trolley at 22nd and Market and walked into Trader Joe's, the world made sense to me. If you think I am being over-dramatic you are completely correct, but I still think this is worth sharing: 

I know the secret to happiness. Well, kind of. Let me explain a little... Philippians is one of my favorite books in the bible. I have so much respect for Paul. The entire book is beautiful, and so joyful, and just incredible, but the guy wrote the darn thing in prison! Can you imagine!?!? One part of Philippians that has always perplexed me is when Paul says "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." I mean, the man was in PRISON. He probs had no food, dirty clothes, and scary people all around him, yet he also says "I am not saying this because I am in need." Woah, it always sounded to me like he is the most needy out of everyone I've ever met! But now I get it. Happiness is a decision. It seriously is! Your happiness should not depend on your circumstances, but you have to wake up each and every day and decide that you are going to be happy. 

I am generally known as a very happy person, but here's a disclaimer, the truth is that I am very good at faking it. And I have been faking it a lot recently. But that is just because I didn't decide to be truly happy! I had decided to put on a little show when other people were around, but when I was by myself I sat around and moped about what I didn't have. I didn't want to come back to Philly after break. I felt super lonely, and I just wanted to stay at home with my family forever. I honestly cried more when my mom dropped me off after break than I did when she brought me here in the fall! But the thing was, I wasn't being content with what God had given me! I had completely dismissed the very last part of the scripture that says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." For so long I had been relying on my own strength, and not being content! What's wrong with me!?!? I was such a doofus, especially since I had that SAME STINKIN SCRIPTURE engraved in my high school class ring! For me, my decision to be happy had to come from being content with what God has given me, and looking forward to what He will do in my life in the future. I have EVERYTHING I need. I have all the friends I need here. God has blessed me with incredible people around me so I don't have to be lonely! I had just refused to open my eyes and see that they are exactly what I need because they weren't the same friends I grew up with my whole life. 

So in this new year, I am making the decision to wake up every single day and be happy. I will "rejoice in the Lord always" just as I am called to do. I will be content with what and who God has put in my life. And I encourage you, the lovely reader who has stuck with me through this entirely way too long post to do the same. He will surely bless you for it. So, Here's to Happiness!

So that is all for now! Thanks for reading what I have to say!
xoxo, Amb.