Thursday, January 12, 2012


{In my unproductivity I take tons of adorable pictures of my dog, you're welcome.} 

So, I've been wanting to post for a while now, but I just haven't quite gotten around to it! Its not that I don't have plenty to say, I've got lots of fun things to write about, I just cant do it! I went to New York, I had an awesome family christmas, I had a great New Years with old friends (and new ones too!) all of which I have fully intended to blog about for weeks, BUT I CANT DO IT! I am just too darn distracted! But the sad part is, I literally haven't done anything for weeks! I have no license and no car, and in this stinkin' ho-bunk town, that means you are stuck at home! I spend each and every day waking up at the crack of noon, and just sitting on the couch with the dog flipping between HGTV, Food Network and the Style Network. And almost every night I watch a chick flick with my mom! (I've watched The Help three nights in a row, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to watch it again as soon as I'm done with this post!) It is a sad existence, let me tell you. 
So thats why I'm writing this. To get it all out of my system, and start fresh! This year one of my resolutions is to blog more, and I refuse to give up on a resolutions on the TWELTH STINKIN' DAY OF JANUARY! I simply refuse! So, tomorrow will be a big day. I will wake up early (not too early, I'm not going that crazy) and GET STUFF DONE! And then I will blog about it! I simply cannot wait! See you then!
xoxo, Amb

PS. "unproductivity" and "ho-bunk"may not be words to y'all, but I am a full believer that we all should be able to make up, and use any words we want!

PPS. Yes, I do say "y'all" my daddy's southern, I'm allowed. 


  1. Did you watch any of the dvds that I loaned to you?

  2. Amber you can say y'all all you want! Remember, you're southern, too! Don't dis your roots, girl! But if you're gonna use the word, you gotta get the spelling right. You all = y'all
    Y'all got that?
